Eric B. & Rakim : Follow the Leader Artist: Lunchbox Format: CD New: Currently Unavailable New $13.95 Unavailable Wish Formats and Editions Update Required DISC: 1 MP3 1. Follow the Leader 2. Microphone Fiend 3. Lyrics of Fury 4. Eric B. Never Scared 5. Just a Beat 6. Put Your Hands Together 7. To the Listeners 8. No Competition 9. R, The 10. Musical Massacre 11. Beats For the Listeners 12. R, The - (Extended remix) 13. Microphone Fiend - (Extended remix) 14. Put Your Hands Together - (Fan Force mix) More Info: Eric B. and Rakim's 1988 sophomore album FOLLOW THE LEADER is now released in an expanded edition. Features the bonus tracks "The R" remix, "Microphone Fiend" extended remix, and "Put Your Hands Together" fon force mix.